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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Coin For The Master

2 Corinthians 12:15 - My grandpa ALWAYS had change in his pocket. When he walked, the sound of every step reminded me of the Salvation Army bell ringers. Every payment he made, whether at a restaurant or Wal-Mart, was paid the exact amount, down to the penny. 

He used his pocket change as he pleased, whether it was for a large purchase, a cup of coffee with a senior discount of course, or paying us grandkids a nickel for scratching his back. No one told him where to spend his change, especially not the change itself. George Washington never popped his head off the quarter and said, DON'T spend me here, wait until you go to Starbucks. 

The coin has no right to tell the master where it wants to be spent. We are coins in the hands of the master. Paul understood the necessity of allowing himself to be spent wherever God saw fit. He would GLADLY go where the Spirit led him, he would GLADLY preach where God sent him, and he would GLADLY endure all the problems along the way.

I have no right to tell God WHERE or HOW to spend me/my life. My ministry is not limited to what I want to do, or be a part of. My ministry is a servanthood to God. I want to be a coin in HIS hand, and let Him spend me where and how He sees fit. 

If that means becoming uncomfortable, I will GLADLY be spent.
If that means facing difficult situations, I will GLADLY be spent.
If that means leaving my present location, I will GLADLY be spent.

I have no right to tell God NOT to spend me here. That's not my job description. That's not what I am good at. Let Him spend you. Don't become frustrated because you feel like your wheels are just spinning, and you're not moving forward. God is spending you. You may not directly see the results, but they are there. Be a coin in the hand of your master.


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