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Monday, April 16, 2012

3 Mistakes Before The Fruit Was Eaten

Genesis 3. A common preaching point, and a story told to MOST of us from the time we were children. We talk about how Adam and Eve disobeyed God's commandment to abstain from eating of this tree. However, after examining this scripture a little more closely, there can be a little more derived from this portion of scripture.

Before the sin was ever committed, there were 3 mistakes made. These mistakes led to the decision to disobey the commandment of God, and to adhere to the deceiving voice of the serpent. They are revealed in the following order:

1. Communication
2. Responsibility
3. Submission

Eve clearly communicated with the serpent. She answered his questions, and gave audience to his deceiving remarks. Just as destructive, Adam failed at his responsibility to lead his wife in a Godly manner; instead, he allowed her to fall subject to the lies and deceit of the serpent. Lastly, Eve failed in her submission to her husband. God created her as Adam's help meet, not his decision maker. She didn't allow Adam to lead her.

In all things pertaining to our ministry, our family, our church, etc, there are 3 areas where mistakes can be detrimental, and eventually lead to an ultimate failure. 

We must constantly protect our conversation, and guard our communication. What we say and who we say it to, what and who we listen to could plant seeds that will grow and become very caustic. Godly communication is a necessity to maintain our ministries, and our relationship with God.

We must remain faithful to our responsibility. God has entrusted us as shepherds to our flock (albeit sometimes a small flock). There are souls at stake, and we cannot fail in our duty to lead, mentor, and minister to them.

Submission is a tough one; however, it is also imperative. Too often we forget that this is not our church, and not our kingdom. We must be fully submitted to God, and to our Pastor. If we break the flow of anointing by undermining Godly authority, then not only is our ministry in danger, but every soul we minister to as well. 

We must remember that every one of these mistakes occurred before the sin was committed. Sometimes our mistakes can lead to bigger mistakes, which can lead to failure. Guard yourselves. Maintain Godly communication, be faithful to your responsibility, and submit yourselves. Then, the fruit won't even be desired.

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