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Monday, February 27, 2012

Anointed Influence

I recently read the findings from a study done on the things that influence teenagers. Here are my findings:

In 1960, the top 5 influences were: 1.Parents
                                                     5.Youth Workers
In 1980, the top 5 changed: 1.Peers
In 2000, another drastic change took place: 1.TV/Movies/Music
                                                                   3.Printed Media
As I read this, I realized that although influence used to come through relationships with people and loved ones, that same influence has shifted to electronic media and entertainment. I realized in my own ministry that this is what I am up against. So I performed my own study with RYOT, and the results were staggering.

I must confess to you that at times, our job as Student Pastors can be intimidating, because we realize that our challenge is so daunting. How can we compete with Hollywood? How can we "outdo" the iTunes top 10? After much prayer, I realized that I can't. I'm not capable, on my own, of contending with the latest fads, and medias influence. But I also found out that anointing enables me to do more that what I ever considered.

Anointing will remove walls that media has created.
Anointing will open doors that Hollywood has closed.
Anointing will create relationships that once seemed like an impossibility.

I may not have all the answers as to how to make our ministries more attractive than worldly amusements. However, I know that I will NEVER do it on my own. I must live an anointed life. I must preach anointed sermons. I must speak anointed words. I must build anointed relationships. I must have an anointed influence.

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